Friday, September 2, 2011

Four Observations

  1. Went to the store to work this afternoon. But I found myself spending 90 minute at the U. before getting there at 2. I actually was doing this one-off, half-hour survey that ended around 12:40. I should've gone to the store straight away. Instead, I dinked around campus. Maybe I'm just afraid of going to the store in the days leading up to its demise. Or, maybe I have to face the fact that I really don't want to work at the store regardless of the circumstances.
  2. When I get there, Father is chipping ice away from the front freezer. More destroying, more taking down.
  3. We have a calendar in the kitchen. Mother asks me to circle all dates when I will not be home for dinner. Before someone tore the sheet to September, I counted that I was not home for dinner 16 dates in August. That's 16 out of 31 -- more than half. I'm fairly sure that's the first time since college where I've not eaten dinner at home more times than I have. Freaky.
  4. I'm about to renew my Franklin Quest for September. Looking back, I had only written down to-do lists on two days. That actually is an improvement. There have been one or two months where I hadn't written a daily task list on any day. It may have even been last month. I mean, if I'm not going to write lists, what the hell is the day planner for? Then again, using it only twice isn't that much better either.

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