Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grandmother Goes To The Alzheimer's Wing

Sunday I receive a frantic call from Grandmother's "boyfriend."  He's with her.  It was good to hear from her, but she sounded frantic, again.  From what I could gather, she just went to the physician, received a clean bill of health, and wanted to go back home.  Now.

I told her that that can't happen.  It's hard to reassure someone when you can't fully speak the language, so the best I could do was to tell her I would see her the next day, when Dancing With The Stars is on.

I asked Grandmother to put her boy back on the phone.  I forgot everything he said, but he did say that "she crazy."  He says that so often we he talks about her while or after visiting her that either he really believes that or he's just saying that so he could keep her all to himself.


Forgot how it happened on Monday, but My Father told me to in fact not visit Grandmother on Monday.  There was an incident.  Don't know if he told me, don't know if he said it well, but whatever it was, I didn't go. Hey, if I did I could get thrown out of the house.


Tuesday I asked My Father if I could go.  No, he said, he doesn't recommend it.  I think he said that he had go to the nursing home himself that morning, take Grandmother to the bank and get a statement or something.  This might have something to do with the money she took out of her checking account before the nursing home could.  Again, I don't think that makes her crazy, just crafty.

I did not go.  I made myself busy doing taxes, but I had to heed My Father's wishes.  And you know, if what he says is true, maybe I should stay away.


Then I get a call Thursday after I finish with an experiment.  It's Grandmother's boyfriend again.  This time he had just visited Grandmother.  She has been moved to the secured/isolated/dementia wing of the home.  He said that she had tried to hail a taxi and/or borrow $50 to get back home, so I guess that was the reason she's been moved.  She currently is very upset.

And now I am alarmed.  However, I will continue insist this, she is not crazy, despite the fact that her boy again said "she crazy."  Man, if you think she's crazy, why the fuck do you keep seeing her?  I want to see her and I don't want to think she's crazy.  Just confused as to why she was told she was fine and yet can't come home.  Yeah, I've told her repeatedly that it doesn't matter if she's healthy or sick, my parents wanted her gone.  She forgets that, but I can understand the anxiety behind being in a foreign place and seeing no one you're familiar with.  And now a huge part of the nursing home is locked from her because she's an escape risk.

I need to know what the doctor said.  Maybe she wasn't given a clean bill of health.  Can the nursing home lock her in the Alzheimer's wing because they're just afraid she'll take off?  Did My Fucking Father give the OK to put her there?  Was it his idea to throw her in there?

Goddammit, I need to know.

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