Friday, August 11, 2017

Can't Poop, Can Poop, Can't Poop

I've been getting anxious lately.  Work has been bothering me; this is the type of job where you can't really go and use the bathroom when you want, doubly so in a case like this, where there are so few answers per test question and have to be ready to answer questions about the test question.  Maybe the frustration on that is building up in me.

Or, it could be because I'm not pooping.  Yeah, I've noticed that over the past ... oh, three, four weeks I haven't had any prodigious excretory sessions.  I do shit, but it's rabbit pellets.  Have no idea what I am eating or not eating, doing or not doing, that's making me this way.

I had a respite, however, on Sunday.  Had a huge eating day then.  Had a beer and a chicken sandwich for lunch, then had a bowl of pho for dinner.  That loosened up my bowels to the point where I was almost ringing the bull, to be gross about it.  Then I went to My Favorite Late-Night Italian Place because the owner was working one last time before signing over the papers the next day.  Even though I had just eaten, I went full bore with spaghetti and salad, the mainstay dish I had there for years when I began being a regular there. Pasta dishes there regularly get me regular, and Sunday was no exception.  I think I raced to the bathroom a couple times to take these massive shits.

And then, poof.  Or the sound makes when your sphincter closes up again.  I'm back to rabbit pellets, and that's including Monday and Tuesday, when I had large mochas and bakery items in the morning, a breakfast combination that also reliably (until now) triggers movements.  In the meantime I'm feeling fat; the past couple days, while I've been driving, I've noticed this ache around my waist, where my pants are cutting into my fat gut.  I've been eating a lot, but it could also be water weight, weight that should be flushed from my body if I were pooping on the regular.  This would not be a good time to weigh myself.

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