Thursday, August 17, 2017

Yeah, Over Traffic

OK, this test scoring project, the one I used to lead (sorta) once, starting last year they are in this huge building on the other side of town.  It's been kind of a pain to get there, but it's been manageable.

Not any more.  It's been touch-and-go whether I get there on time, but the past two days I've reached my breaking point.  It takes me at best 40 and at worst, oh, an hour to get there.  Nevertheless, the traffic on the way down there was exacerbated when 394 East to 94 East (I think) was shut down for two weeks starting Monday.  The traffic was detoured to 100 South to Crosstown East.  So on 100, the path I usually take, had this sudden influx of drivers.  That meant that Waze, which I rely on every morning now to get me to work as fast as possible, took me on contingent paths yesterday and today.  Nevertheless, there was so much traffic that my commute has taken longer.

Yesterday I started the car at 7:11, and remembering this new road closure, I knew I was going to be late.  And I was; even with a circuitous route Waze took me, I got to my workroom at 8:04.  Not the worst thing, but it irks me.  So it was my intention to get out of the house sooner to deal with the traffic better.  And this morning I started my car at ... 7:07.  I also thought that traffic would get worse because I didn't think that for the first few days drivers fully comprehended nor decided which Plan B they would take.  And yes, it was worse; with yet another tour Waze gave me, I got to work at 8:05 and they already started working.  I don't think anyone cared except me, and I still am pissed.

I have to come to the logical conclusion that this place is too far for me to go to.  I'm fed up.  Yes, this 394-to-94 closure is just two weeks and the second week I'll be in St. Louis.  (Besides, this project I'm working on should be done tomorrow.)  And I am sitting on the can strolling through my Twitter feed a little longer than I should.  (I set back my alarm clock by five minutes, but even at 6:25 in the morning I'm dilly-dallying my way out of the house.)  But the longer your drive, the greater the chance you will run into traffic and thus lengthen your commute.  It always seems to be something, and I'm kind of done with it.  Now, I say this thinking that it'll be the last time I'll work there this season (although you never know), so I might forget I even blogged about this.  But I'm getting too old for this shit, and unless they find a new warehouse closer to home (or if they open up a permanent branch at the Mall Of America, a place that I would not mind working at and which may be closer to home than where we're currently working), well ... I should reconsider working there ever again.

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