Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kind Of Had It At Work Yesterday

I will always help a friend move, especially if that friend is a stripper.  Nevertheless, that occupied a lot of my weekend.  And combined with the United match and a musical my friend was in (both happening on Saturday), plus this mind-bending heat (OK, it's not that hot and humid, but I still kind of malfunction in this weather), I was running myself ragged this weekend.  Beyond that, even though I felt tired, I couldn't get any sleep -- no falling dead unconscious in the evening and waking up to the birds chirping, none of that.

I reached my breaking point Sunday night, when, after helping my stripper friend move her stuff to storage (she has promised me free cover and a free lapdance over her next four parties), I came home and promised my sister that I would transfer her and my brother-in-law over to my plan.  It got executed great, but I think I used that as an excuse to stay up till 3 in the morning.  That meant that tired old me got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep.

Like I said, it was a summer day; it wasn't the hottest or most humid day I've ever felt, or even of the summer, but it was still plenty hot.  When I went to my car to take naps for morning break and lunch, I actually went unconscious.  But when I woke up during my lunch break in a hot sweat, I figured it was better for me to take a walk with a co-worker rather than try for three naps for afternoon break.

That may have been a mistake, because near the end of my 8 1/2 hours at work I had this anger well up inside me.  I never get "hangry" -- angry because I'm hungry.  (I actually get angry when I'm full, but that's another blog post.)  But I get "tirangry" often.  If I don't get my sleep, I can be very unreasonable.  And that's how I felt.  I think I was able to hide it; the only outward sign I was irritable was that I stood up and took a break every half-hour in the afternoon.  If I get written up for that, so be it.  I did all I could to be as productive as I could without screaming in boredom and delirium and walking out of the building.

Which reminds me that I should go to sleep now.  But oh wait -- I have to write that thank-you card, and to reply to that mom who went to our alumni event. ...

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