Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Verdict Is In: I Suck At Making Chocolate-Dipped Fruit

Just spent the last three hours making six chocolate-dipped strawberries and 11 chocolate-dipped slices of banana.  It sucked, all around.

I followed the instructions on all the sites that had recipes.  I did the double-broiler method, where I boiled a pot of water, then laid a glass bowl of the chocolate chips on top of it.  I mixed it till it melted, then I dipped.

I asked my sister how to do it when she called from Europe on Monday.  Shetold me that I couldn't screw it up.  Well, I did, sis!  I did the white chocolate first.  What I did wrong, I guess, was immediate turn off the heat to let it cool (just like most of the recipes said).  When I started dipping I noticed it began to harden.  After the sixth strawberry I didn't think it was worth going on because it became this gelatinous cakey mass.  I then tried heating it up in the microwave, but I didn't notice that it was burning from the inside.

So I tried again with the dark chocolate.  This time I made sure I would not turn the heat down and just work really quickly.  Also, I had two bananas' worth of slices that I just prepared, and I was damned if they were going to waste.  But as I worked with the heat on, it too started to congeal.  You could see it in the smoothness of the bananas.  The first three look great.  The second three, well, it had some, uh, marks on them.  It really started to get bad on the third three, and the last three, well, they look like turds.  I tried for a twelfth slice, but the chocolate had solidified to the point where it wasn't sticking to the banana.  So I turned off the heat and called it a night.  I ate that banana slice and the one before it because it looked heinous.  Sugary-sweet as hell, but I could not make any more.

I've seen my sister dip strawberries and she had no problem.  I had to throw two batches away?  Making chocolate-dipped fruit sucks.  And I am terrible, too.  I knew I wasn't much of a cook, but this confirms how awful I am at making food that requires heat.  Room temperature peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for me from now on.

Man, is it going to be pathetic when I come in with 17 pieces for a workforce of 70.

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