Monday, August 27, 2012

People Who Should Be Fired: Haircut Bitch That Took A Penny From Me

It's been more than three weeks, so it's about time I vent about this. ...

So there's a Fantastic Sams within walking distance from home.  Mother told me that men's haircuts are $7.99 there on Mondays.  I needed to get my 'do tight because that weekend was my cousin's wedding.  Totally makes sense to go.

I chat it up with a girl there -- she wasn't perky, but she wasn't a bitch, either.  Totally matter-of-face about clipping my hair.  That's alright -- been there, often am that way.

So I get done and give her the money for the cut, which, remember, is $7.99.  She breaks my $20, I think, and gives me back $12.  Twenty minuses $7.99 is $12.01, but she gave me a dozen dollars back, only.

I waited a few milliseconds to see if she realized her mistake.  I am nonplussed on the outside but feeling this wave of disrespect slowly roiling in me on the inside.  What did not help is what I perceive to be her attitude towards me after she gave me my change back.  She slammed close the register and gave me a terse "thank you" and just stared at me.

Yeah, I guess I should've asked if she forgot something, or even told her I wanted my penny.  Did she make a mistake?  From her attitude, I think not.  I really think that she was determined not to give me my penny.  Why not?  For the time being I'm going to cross off racism.  I think I may have cracked a stupid joke about her clipping off too much hair and then gluing it back on my head, to which she croaked out a "tuh" that signals acknowledgement and nothing more.  Honestly, that's the only thing I've got, that she thought I was a smartass and she wanted to teach me a lesson.

And you know that I couldn't just ask for my penny back in front of all the people at Fantastic Sams; that's be too weird.  So I gave her my two bucks anyway and left -- dazed, confused, and feeling like I was robbed.  Who cares if it's only a goddamn penny?  That's supposed to be mine.  And if she didn't think a penny's a big deal, don't advertise that haircuts are $7.99, because a guy would see that and expect to pay only $7.99, not eight bucks.  You put up a sign that says men's cuts on Mondays are eight bucks, I'll go, "Weird ... they're not advertising something with "-.99" on it.  And that's good, because they can keep that penny, because I don't need it."  Why is that different?  Because then I wouldn't feel like she owes me a goddamn motherfucking penny?!?!?!

I wish I had the balls to go through my receipts and find this bitch's name and call for her to be fired.  But I'm so goddamn broke that I might go back there on a Monday to get a haircut.  For $7.99!!!  I will say that I won't stand for this shit again.  If that bitch is there again, and I don't get the penny that I'm supposed to get back because they're not advertising this for eight bucks ... hide the women and children because I will go off.

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