Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Asshole Threw A Cigarette At Me

Well, kinda.  I was walking out of the gas station on my way to pick up my sister and brother-in-law.  I notice that there was a guy walking in.  He didn't seem too pleased about something.  He then looked at me; I looked back at his ass.  And then he threw a cigarette in front of my path -- maybe about three feet away, but not at my feet or anything.  I didn't have to jump out of the way; if I were invisible and standing right at the trajectory this prick threw the cigarette, it would've passed through my torso and landed about a couple feet to the right of me.  I glared at him while he glared back at me.  And that was it.

So, OK, I'm not 100% sure he wanted to throw it at me.  He did look at me before he did it, though, so I'm sure it's not, like, 0%.  But if he wanted to pick a fight with me, he would've had better aim.

So then, what was it?  Was it because I'm Chinese, and he's racist?  Could be; haven't had a blatantly racist thing done to me in a long, long time, and sad to say, but I think it's been way too long.  But by his actions and body language I will concede that this motherfucker may have thrown it just because he had a bad day.  Possibly he saw my shirt -- I'm wearing one with the symbol of my high school alma mater -- and that might have brought up bad feelings.  Or he was thinking about something that made him angry, threw that cig in disgust, and didn't think about where he was throwing it.

At any rate, I immediately flew into panicked nerd mode.  I wish I could say I grew out of that phase once I left school, but I didn't.  I put this "action plan" I've implanted in my head into action.  First I checked out where he was as I started to drive away.  Then I looked at my escape routes; which roads will get me the fuck out of here and on my way to the airport?  And then I cursed the fact that I hit the red light at the intersection just outside of the gas station, making me look at all of my mirrors to see if this guy quickly climbed back into his (what I assume to be) truck and come after me.  I stood up straight, trying to gather a "don't fuck with me!" message in case this asshole wanted a piece of me.  But he probably was in that white truck in the left turn lane that got to go first.  He did not chase me down, as I feared.

Going to be bothered by that guy for some time, I know it.

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