Friday, July 25, 2014

Oh, You Weren't Gonna Yell At Me?

Mother asks me, "Hey, have you sent the 529 application yet?"

I tell the truth: "Uhhh ... no."

"Why the hell haven't you?  What's wrong with you?  I've got to get our granddaughter on a college plan right now!!!"

So I didn't say that.  Instead, what I actually said was a lie: "Yeah."

To which Mother replied, actually, "Oh, I ask because if you didn't, I'd call them to ask about fees."

So then I changed my mind and told the truth: "Oh!  Well, in that case, I hadn't sent it in yet."

To which Mother replied, "Why you say you sent it in and not you say didn't send it?  Were you lying to me then or are you lying to me now?  Why do you lie?!"

But I didn't say that, either.  I mean, that's weird, right?  Saying that you did, then saying that you didn't.  I mean, who does that?  Well, to be honest, My Father does that a lot.  Shows how ... well, cowardly he is when his answers depend on what reactions the person speaking to her gives him.  That's where I get that visceral reaction from.  Also, I kind of understand his point.

So, to make sure that I actually did what I said I already did, I have to send an application that, if my parents had their druthers, would rather not be sent.  Just so I stick to my story.  What a waste of a stamp.

Maybe I'll wait and instead make a call to the brokerage house on my own anyway.  Maybe at the end of it all it doesn't matter if it gets sent now or later or not at all.  But let me say, this has been an extremely shitty past 48 hours.

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