Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Problem With Social Obligations

The combination of 4th of July festivities and my sister being home has resulted in me being very busy.  I'm in the middle of an extended vacation, yet I feel as if I'm "working," especially on my downtime, away from work.  I'm not getting resentful ... no, I'm getting resentful.

It all started Wednesday, actually, July 2.  Unbeknownst to me, while I was eating dinner, the person who apparently works for my parents now, managing their real estate here, dropped by.  I thought Mother was going to see him at his place; that's why she needed my car that day.  Don't understand.  To top it all off, my aunt unexpectedly dropped by because she wanted to give my sister pictures and was afraid she wasn't going to be able to do it before she leaves.  All these people invading our abode kind of put me on edge.

That edge-putting hasn't abated since.  I don't mind going out yesterday and today for World Cup games; that's what I want to do.  But I've had to also go to my cousin's Independence Day party, where we go to the local town to see some fireworks (not that I'm complaining, I've gone to his place the past several years).  I also have to have dinner with my brother and sister-in-law tonight.  And during last night's party my sister and cousin arranged for us to have lunch, and she also offered up with me the possibility of playing mini-golf with her.

The first problem with all of that is all the food.  I mentioned to my sister how "America" all these social occasions are, particularly with the breadth and the type (read: good but not good for you) food.  And I still can't help myself, so I'll be chowing down so as not to talk to people in these gatherings as much as possible.  Doesn't help I ate a lot during the World Cup games, and it also didn't help that my cousin shoved a second pint can of Grain Belt Nordeast in my hand.  Ugh, I feel so shitty today.

The second, main problem is that I'm busy when I clearly shouldn't be.  What I guess I'm saying is that I would like to be alone on vacation, not necessarily hurtling myself around town meeting people.  I guess seeing my brother and sister-in-law should be one of the social things I do.  But I was kind of looking forward to putzing around the house.  You know, just sleeping in and waking up when I want, doing laundry, trying to get back to writing, catching up on Mafia Wars, cleaning up the room a little bit, etc.  And I can't do that if I have to constantly be going out.

But I have to.  And by the time the weekend's over, I have to go back to actual work.  And by the way, I have the surgery coming up later that week.  All these things I want to do because it's a holiday is just going to stay there.  It's like as if I'm still working. ...

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