Thursday, June 30, 2016


For the past two mornings, with no work and responsibilities to prepare for, I have actually gone to bed early.  So early that I have woken up very early in the morning and have been able to go back to sleep for about an hour or so.  In situations like that, I often get nightmares in that second period of sleep.  The past two days have been no different.

But maddeningly, as soon as I wake up to start my day I forget most details of the nightmare.  Why is that?  How is that?  All I remember is that there is a party (which reminds me of this alumni club event ... that's probably why this nightmare is at a party ... I'll blog about it later), I am shitting on a toilet where I notice it is way too small for me (that has also happened IRL recently), and this time, this morning, I saw one of my pieces of shit roll out of the toilet and onto the floor to my right.  I might be dreaming that because I was at a restroom for the University of Minnesota for a study and I entered a stall whose toilet had a piece of shit resting right at the bottom.  Barf.

Had to write about this.

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