Sunday, June 26, 2016

People Who Should Be Fired: The Bitch At The Wienery

So I was at the Nomad last Sunday and I was so hungry that, at halftime, I went to the Wienery, just a couple blocks down from the bar, to get one of their really good hot dogs.  (The Nomad is cool in that, even though there is a food truck that is open sometimes, they allow you to bring outside food.)

When I got there, though, the front door was locked.  That is weird because there were customers inside the restaurant.  I checked my watch; it was ten to 3.  I checked the "OPEN" neon sign; it was on.  And, once again, there were people inside.  So I don't get it.

Finally the cook comes from the kitchen to open up the door.  She says, "May I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to order something to go."

And as she opens the door to allow me inside she says, get this, "You're being very rude."

WHAT?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bitch, you're open!  Business hours aren't over yet!  Your goddamn sign is on!  You're fucking open!  So how in the fuckety-fuck am I rude????!!!!

I wish I had said something like that, but I stammered out something that, in retrospect, was a good comeback, even though I could have used a little more consternation and confrontation: "Am I?  You know, I don't have to order anything," to which she mumbled something and said if I knew what I wanted to order.  I didn't, but I made up something quick, because, frankly, I thought I wouldn't have someone who was in over her head.

I'm late for the second half of the soccer game.  I regret giving this place even a dollar tip.  The cook/bitch who told me I was rude then referred to me as "buddy" as she was getting my fries ready.  I would rather you not try to buddy up to me after being so rude to me.  In fact, don't talk at all.  Just shut up and give me what I order.  Better yet, if I was being so rude, don't let me in in the first place.  Say something like, "I'm too busy and I have to go to my other job like right now, so, I can't."  (She was complaining that she would be late for her other job.  Whatevs.)  I'll leave thinking, "What is up with that place?"  But better that than thinking you're a cunt.

Had to bitch to the bartender at Nomad about the customer service.  He said it was "bullshit" and that place is just riddled with "dysfunction."  Man, wish I had known before I went!


You know, I want to say something that will boost my own spirits.  Immediately after this bullshit happened I wanted to blog about it.  But I couldn't, so I thought I would wait until I got home.  And I did get home, but I got tired, and then when I decided to blog I blogged about something else.  I still remember this incident, but it's only now where I finally decided to talk about it.

At first I thought the reason it took me a week to blog about it was because of the trauma of being so mistreated.  And then I thought it was just procrastination.  But now -- and hopefully this is a sign of growth and security -- the reason I think I haven't bothered to write about it is because I don't feel as victimized about it as I initially did.  I'm realizing that, hey, she's the one who fucked up.  I had no reason to think they were closed because they were fucking open.  If she doesn't like it, well then, she should've said something, or turned off the fucking neon sign, or just fuckin' quit.  She didn't, so dammit, that's her problem.

That's so stupid that I think I had better things to think about, let alone write about.  Also, I did learn something: Don't eat at The Wienery for a long, long time.

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