Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My Break Ritual

Ever since I began Working From Home for the test scoring place (consisting so far of two projects), I have noticed I need to do something at a specific time.  Our breaks for these projects has been 7:30.  It is spring, so the dusk is getting later and later.  However, regardless of how much sun is shining in through my otherwise closed blinds, by the time 7:30 rolls around, there is so little light streaming through my window that I have no choice but to use artificial light and turn on the neon light I have on the top of my desk.  I have yet to either turn it on earlier or not need to turn it on till later.  No; at 7:30, I have to turn on the light.

Sunset up here in Minnesota right now is a quarter past 8.  I should have enough light nowadays whereby I wouldn't have to turn on my light till later.  That I still do so around 7:30 is a testament to how dreary and cloudy and honestly kick-ass the weather has been.  The majority of the days so far in April have been cloudy, and I want to say that it has rained in more than half of the days so far this month, too.  With the sun setting on an already overcast sky, the light manages to seep into my bedroom for only so long before I need to use fake light, and the moment I need to switch still is around 7:30.

With that being said, the clouds are finally supposed to be gone -- possibly this afternoon, probably by Thursday.  So the sun should be shining down on us and through my window ... which would mean I won't have to turn the neon light on in order to read essays.  Too bad; for some reason, I like needing to turn on that light at break around 7:30.

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