Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Yesterday Was A Day Where Everything Fell Apart

Didn't think a Monday would blindside me like this, but it has:
  1. The position for which I filled in on Sundays apparently has been filled.  I saw my boss escort somehow who I believe worked elsewhere in the building around our areas a few weeks ago.  I thought she was The One, or at least someone who had been hired for our main department (whether or not we needed more people is a different question to ask).  But I didn't think about her or the situation until my co-worker said, out of the blue, that someone new was supposed to start yesterday.  I have mixed feelings about that, feelings I may expound upon later.
  2. News that is a lot more impactful for me, even though altering a work schedule I have become accustomed to is impactful: My co-worker told me that another of our co-workers has tested positive for COVID-19.  You gotta be fucking kidding me.  She, according to the co-worker who worked with me yesterday, said she got her second shot more than a week ago.  I can't help but think how she got it -- and, more importantly, when.  Because by all accounts, this means that I need to get tested even though I got my first shot Saturday.  So I have been trying to do this math that encompasses guidelines on how long after being in close contact with someone I need to get tested and how soon I can get tested for it to be worth anything ... and it doesn't help that these guidelines seem to be different from each other.  My only saving grace is that I tested myself the afternoon after leaving work on Friday, which was the last day I was in contact with the co-worker who now has the corona.  It came back negative.  Testing as soon after your last contact with an infected person is a recommendation according to ... a website I looked at during work yesterday, which I cannot find now.  But I'm supposed to get tested again.  So much for The Last Time.  You know, I'm supposed to quarantine for at least ten days, and there's no fucking way I'm going to do that, and more ominously, neither my boss nor my company is going to tell me to do the right thing and stay home.  We're all at risk of spreading this shit, and therefore, we are all guilty.  I may expound on my feelings on that later.
  3. Oh yeah, the Daunte Wright shooting.  Some veteran cop somehow mistakes her gun for her taser?!  So there's a curfew now, as I write this.  What I worry about is if this curfew gets extended.  It began at 7 last evening.  If we have similar curfews the rest of the week, that will affect both getting a rubdown from ******a Thursday night and getting my car serviced before the curfew would supposedly begin Thursday evening.  And, yeah, the whole world is going to hell thing, that sucks, too.  Feelings expounded upon, potentially, also later.
You know, I just slept between 6 in the evening and 1 in the morning.  And after blog posting about my bad day yesterday, I'm fuckin' tired all over again.

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