Monday, April 26, 2021

Three Down, None (One? Naw, Probably None) To Go

It took about 36 hours, which I still don't think is good, but I got the results back from the COVID-19 test I took Saturday ... and it was negative.  Saturday marked 15 days since I was last in close contact with my co-worker who has since been stricken with the virus.  Those 15 days represent the scientific consensus outer limit at which I could possibly be infected by someone with the coronavirus.  Since I am negative, I did not get it from her.  Phew.

I am torn as to whether I should get a test just before I get my second jab this week.  If I should test even after I get my second shot, or even after I am fully vaccinated?  I'm putting that out of my mind right now, because I don't know what to think of it.

Now to hope my co-worker pulls through.  No word past the news about a week ago she was sent to the ICU.

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