Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sorry, Young Man, I Just Wanted Some Sanitizer

So after work on Sunday I decided not to walk in the park because it was cloudy and windy and relatively cold.  Instead, I went to Potluck, the new food court at Rosedale.  For the past two months they're "celebrating" ranch dressing, which I guess is a thing with White people?  But it's good, and to "celebrate," nearly all the stalls have special foods with ranch as an ingredient.  It lasts through the end of the month.  Wanted a quiet Sunday afternoon off by myself, so I went.

I decided to get a biscuit from the, uh, biscuit place; they had a special ranch-flavored gravy or something.  Not bad.  But the wait was long, even interminable; they got caught flat-footed with the gravy and I guess it took a lot of time to make some.  In the meantime, I thought I should clean my hands.

Around this particular area of the food court, there are hand sanitizer stations, of course.  But people need to do a better job of filling them.  I see empty stations in many places, and it happened when I walked up to the one right at the entrance to the rest of the mall.  So I cast my eyes around for another station.  That's when I saw a hand sanitizer pump on the counter for another place, one besides the biscuit place.  I didn't think nuthin' of going up there and using it.  But I didn't see the guy who was manning the cash register, just hanging out while sitting in a chair far from the cash register.  And when he saw me approach the front he bolted up as if to take my order, but then he quickly sat down as soon as he saw that I was just going for the hand sanitizer.  But when I saw him get up and then sit down, I made this sheepish look like I was saying, "Oh, sorry dude, just using the hand sanitizer!"

I didn't mean to trick the guy.  But I feel so guilty that he thought I was going to order something when I didn't that, I'm serious, I feel as though I need to buy something from him when I go to Rosedale again.  You know, just to make up for this mix-up.  I might go over there tomorrow, in fact.

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