Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dinner Was Completely Trashed Because Of Bad Oil?

This has happened before, and I may have even blogged about this already, but what happened tonight so frustrates me that I have to write about it.

Tonight was stir-fry (as well as pork and egg rolls for me, the stir-fry hating boy, even though I have become hip to the health properties of stir-fry). Mother complained about the taste. Grandmother, who prepared it somehow, said something (though I'm not sure) about the oil she grabbed from somewhere. Dad became exasperated and told my mom to throw the whole damn thing away.

My Fucking Father's treatment of my Grandmother afterward was usual but still maddening. He took my granny's plate from her as she was trying to fish all the non-stir-fry parts out of it. Also, whenever she tried saying something, whether it was about the bad oil or, after this incident was over, what was happening on Wheel Of Fortune, he ignored her. He usually does that -- that, or saying the Chinese equivalent of, "Really?!" feigning surprise and/or trying to shut her up through sarcasm. I shouldn't single out my dad; my mom, who was raised by my grandmother when she was young, totally ignores her too.

Look, nearly everything my granny says around the dinner table is babbling bullshit, and many times I have gotten angry by how much sense she doesn't make. I'm pretty sure it's frustrating for my parents, too. And even though I didn't get to the stir-fry, there's a chance it was horrible; granny makes mistakes when it comes to food sometimes. But I can't shake how belittling my dad and mom treated her tonight. And they do this most every night. I know that feeling of uselessness takes a toll on her, and I can't imagine how she's feeling tonight. I know she gets as antsy as I do whenever she's around them, especially Father, because of their attitude towards her. And I know that if he had his way, Grandmother would be back in Hong Kong or put in a home somewhere.

And that's why I stick around here, to be with her as she was with me when I was young. She has earned the right not to be left alone.

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