Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grandmother Went To The Doctor This Afternoon

I'm going to try and do something a bit different here.  I need to do a better job of tracking Grandmother's visits to the doctor, and the only way I think I can do it with any accuracy is to just put it in my blog.

But I will say something else, and it's something somewhat health-related.  I am saddened, pissed off, and sickened that Massachusetts elected a right wingnut teabagger Republican, some nude model/truck driver/douche named Scott Brown to take over Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.  Now this asshole is the mythical Senator 41, the man who will gleefully kill health insurance reform by taking over the seat of the man who made affordable health care for all his lifelong fight, an vicious set of circumstances that proves that there is no God.

Now President Obama, who has taken his pragmatism way too far, and the spineless Democrats in Congress are now trying to sand down their bill, a plan of reform that didn't go far enough in the first place.  Guaranteed issue?  Probably gone.  Subsidies for the poor?  In the shitter.  "Bending the curve" so that this entitlement program won't bankrupt the country in a decade?  Fuck it.  Making everybody get insurance?  Yeah, that's still in there.  Because insurance companies want more money.  And Republicans are the insurance companies' buttboys.  And Democrats flank them on the other side.

There is a lot of blame to go around.  The Democrat candidate, Martha Coakley (should be called "Choakley") acted arrogantly and entitled to the seat.  President Obama may have spent too much time and capital trying to be bipartisan.  And this extreme rightwing movement, these teabaggers, are scary and will destroy the country with their pro-gun, anti-minority, crazy-ass agenda.  But I have to blame a person and a people.  The person is Brown, a man who probably got elected because he's tall.  (I just read Blink, and he fits the "Warren Harding Error" to a T.)  But, in a democracy, we get the government we deserve.  And so we the bulk of the blame must be placed on the voters of Massachusetts, a state that has been solidly blue for a century, and has decided on fear, not change.

This Brown-noser says he's going to Washington to end "business as usual."  He wants to reverse the policies of the Obama Administration ... that has been in power for exactly one fucking year.  Obama was elected to end "business as usual," meaning the eight years of George W. Bush, a Republican just like Brown.  This Brown liar doesn't want to end "business as usual."  He wants "business as usual."  He is "business as usual."

Fuck this, and fuck all these people.

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