Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Have To Give My Father One Thing

To keep the peace at home, and to maintain any chance that I'll be allowed to still live at home, I have started to, finally, work at cleaning my room, specifically at going through and throwing away all the newspapers and other papers that I have accumulated.  And by being confronted with this task, I came to a realization that I secretly knew in the back of my mind: I have a lot of stuff.  A.  Lot.  And there are still some papers that I want to keep.

I have a grocery bag of papers I need to go through.  Then I have another bag of papers I need to go through.  Then I have a box of papers I need to go through.  And then, hopefully, there won't be so many papers, although the papers I do keep I eventually have to read through.  And then, of course, I have to make sure I don't add to the pile of papers, which will be hard.

Need to get around to learning how to clean around the house too.  Thought about using the mop, pouring in some water, some bleach, some dishwashing liquid and just, I don't know, wipe the basement tile floor.

I had a friend tell me as she was going through a divorce, "You should want to do things for someone to make him happy.  I found myself doing things just to not make him mad."  That adage holds true for parents as well as spouses.

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