Friday, March 9, 2012

And the goddamn cold cost me. I was late to my experiment this morning.

I woke up at 7. I remember not remembering why in the hell my phone and my watch woke me up at 7, so I turned both off. I do remember, however, saying to myself, "Oh shit, I have that experiment at 8, don't I?" And I didn't do anything about it because I was still battling this cold, so I just drifted back off to sleep ... until I woke up at 7:49 and decided, yeah, I need to go to the experiment.

Twenty minutes late. The guy scanning me was someone I've been scanned by before, but I don't really know him. He was pleasant, but I still think he was frustrated that I was late. When I was done, he told me the second half was perfect (I didn't move my head because I fell asleep) but the first half was ruined because I coughed and he had to do the scans all over again. I like to think that most other people would just keep that to themselves, no matter how true that is.

And only two hours? He actually backdated me to 8, as if I got there on-time, but shit, if I actually got there on-time, could I have stayed longer? An extra hour would mean another $15. He's probably pissed at me.

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