Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Think The Store Closes Today

How do I know this. I don't, but these are three signs:
  1. Earlier in the week, I don't know specifically when or under what circumstance, My Fucking Father told me the business license lapses at the end of the month.
  2. Yesterday I was helping that old man purchase airline tickets on the Internet. (How does he not know how to do this now? And how come he needed my help when the only thing that that didn't allow the form to go through was not putting down a goddamn phone number?) So when I started inputting her credit card information, from said card that still bears the name of their family business, I needed to make sure to which billing address this had to go to. "The one at the store?" I asked. "No, the one at home," he replied, adding, "The Store no more."
  3. As I was leaving for a night of getting a handjob at this party close-by (I might blog about someday, please give me space) I overheard Mother asking Father, "Have you called the Minnesota State Lottery yet?" I assume she means shutting them down.
I should go today, just in case it truly is The End. But I have to write first.

ETA: I had dreams that The Store sold the winning ticket for the $640 million MegaMillions mega-jackpot. That way, maybe The Store would remain open. Hey, I guy can dream, can't he? At the very least it'd be a hell of story: The Store getting all this attention for selling The Ticket one day before going out of business forever, going out in a blaze of glory. But it was not to be. The winning tickets were sold in Kansas, Illinois and Maryland. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle for it giving us a toehold in America.

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