Friday, July 26, 2013

Update On Car, And Trying To Avoid Parents Yelling At Me For It

ETA on the car is still the same: endeavoring to finish it today, possibility that it'll be done Saturday.  Had a moment there where I got blindsided by the auto body shop owner saying that he only takes cash.  WTF?  This guy live in the seventies?  But this auto body shop is in a cluster of several auto body and car repair shops, including the mechanic I now go to.  I called him up under the belief that he might help me pay for this with my credit card and he can just pay him, and just as I suspected, these guys are pretty close and I believe that is how it can be done.  If it's not, well, I guess I can't get back my car.

Problem now is getting it.  Told my parents that it should be ready in the afternoon.  Of course they volunteered to drop me off.  Still scared that they'll snoop around and realize that the total cost is more than the $500 I told My Father, but I forgot that there is a power steering leak I have not told him has already been fixed.  I could just say that as long as I had to bring the car in, they (meaning the car repair mechanic, not the auto body place) might as well fix that, too.  That'd totally get them off my back?  Why didn't I think of that earlier?  Oh well, I have a feeling that having that explanation in my back pocket will work.

But let's be honest: It's a damn waste of time to go there if it's not going to be done by the end of the day.  My initial plan is to take the bus down there in the morning, which is initially when I told My Father that it'd be done.  I have now told him the afternoon because frankly, I could not stand being at the U. the whole damn day.  Now that they insist on taking me there, I don't think it's wise to get there and just hang out.  It makes too much sense to just ask them around noon if the car's going to be ready, especially since the guy who owns the body shop told me to call him around then.  Yeah, to not waste anybody's time and to not act illogical, I'll just call and see when I can pick it up.  That raises the issue of my folks snooping around when I pay, but that's just something I'll have to deal with.

That's the plan.  For now.

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