Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Missing: Remote Control

I will give my parents one thing: I have been forgetful when it comes to locating the remote control for the living room.

Before they ambushed me by coming back without telling me, I had misplaced the remote.  Usually it was on the coffee table inbetween that and the sofa.  But one night I guess I was walking around with it and I ... put it somewhere, and I don't know where it is now.  Honestly I didn't think of it; lately I have just been walking up to the TV and turning it on from the side buttons.  But My Fucking Father asked me where the remote was a day or two before my parents went back to Las Vegas.

Good question; I have no damn clue where it is.  First place to look is in close proximity, aka the TV and the coffee table and the living room.  Frankly, I haven't looked there because My Fucking Father cleaned up the whole place and if he couldn't find it, well, why should I bother?  But the problem is if I had been walking around with it, I could have put it down anywhere.  That would mean I need to search everywhere for it, and frankly, I don't want to.  I will as soon as I sit down in front of that TV, want to change the channel and get pissed off that I have to get up in order to do so, like I did when I was kid watching the huge TV we had.


What gives me hope is that an hour ago, I just found my sunglasses in my sunglasses case.  I too was missing that, but unlike the remote control, I knew where it was (on the stairs) and I knew how it went missing (My Fucking Father in one of his fucking cleaning jags).  I didn't really care about the sunglasses because there absolutely has been no sun in the sky for the past nine days, so I didn't need them.  But it appears that the sun will finally break through the clouds some time this (Tuesday) afternoon, so I felt a sense of urgency to find it tonight.

Using the theory that it would have to be close, I figured that My Fucking Father threw my sunglasses into one of the bags I left around the stairs close to the front door.  There was a lot of stuff I left around there, I'll admit, including my alma mater swag box.  But there were also the bags from the stuff I bought from K-Mart and the places I went to on Black Friday.

My Fucking Father put those bags in my bedroom.  Tonight, while making a cursory search around my room for my sunglasses, I remembered that those bags were next to the front door.  And, sure enough, I found the case in the Old Navy plastic bag.  He did throw them in there before taking that and the other bags I left down there up to my bedroom.  So my sunglasses have been found.

Now about that remote. ...

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