Saturday, April 11, 2015

New Feet, New Eyes -- New Me?

Didn't quite realize it, but just after a week where I overhauled my car (new air intake tube, new radiator, new mass air flow sensor -- so far, so good!), I kind of overhauled my body yesterday.

Shortly before the beginning of my two-week "sabbatical," the place where I got my feet sized for my new insoles called and said they were ready.  Have I talked about this yet?  I'll repeat myself in case I'm getting ahead of myself.  I have flat feet, and the insoles I got several years ago have gotten old and flat, so a couple months ago I went to another place to get my feet molded for new ones.

I got these new insoles yesterday.  They feel very different.  These ones, unlike my old ones, have this metatarsal bar right in the middle of the insoles, going across both of my feet.  Standing up and walking around it feels like there's this big oblong mass underneath my foot.  It is weird to feel, especially when I pick up my feet, and my fingers bend from the rest of the foot.  It feels like a soft rock is banging up against the bottom of my feet.

The guy told me that I need a couple weeks to get acclimated to these new insoles.  They are uncomfortable, but as long as the design of these insoles help with my feet pain, I will trust that eventually the discomfort goes away.  Right now it isn't, however.  I exercised heavily yesterday morning, and so the big pain points -- behind the ball and just in front of the heel, both on my left foot -- still hurt, a day after I worked out, even with the new insoles.  Again, I shall trust.


Meanwhile, I had finally picked out my glasses from Warby Parker after that lengthy roundelay.  I got the five Try-At-Home glasses, took pictures of myself with each of them, then started asking my friends what they thought.

I first showed these pictures to two friends who were at this local amateur wrestling contest, then one of my ATFs at My Favorite Stripclub (Non-Cover Version).  They all voted on the same frame.

I then threw them up on Facebook and asked all my friends which one looked the best.  It became quite clear that the two rectangular ones were the most popular.  These two frames look virtually identical, and so many of my friends thought that either one would be fine.  Some, however, discerned between the two and made a decision.

Appreciate all the input and love, but the decision was so tight that I really didn't know which one to get.  Finally, I had to open up a spreadsheet and actually go through each friend's vote to see if a frame got more votes than the other.  After doing that (and then doing it again in case I made a mistake, and I did), one got 13 1/2 votes while the other got 10 1/2.  That three-vote difference may be because it was the first rectangular frame they saw and they didn't pay much attention to the second.  Nevertheless, majority rules.

I felt kind of bad making a decision like this.  I have many friends that voted for the one frame I got and many for the one I didn't get.  The three friends I showed these pictures on my smartphone all voted for the frame that lost.  So does the female friend I've known the longest.  Warby Parker also tweeted back that they thought those frames looked best on me (I posted the pictures on my Twitter feed as well); wouldn't they be experts at which frame looks best on me?  But the ones that voted for the frame I got include my sister and brother-in-law.  I What's Apped (that's not a word, I know) my sister about one thing and the conversation eventually got to my agonizing eyeglasses decision, and she said that, yes, there is a difference between the two rectangular frames.  Specifically, these frames are thicker all around, and that is best for my shape of face.  I trust her judgement, as well as that of the majority of my friends.  Plus, hey, my sister and brother-in-law are family.  Got to go with them, right?

And so it was.  A couple weeks ago I ordered the ... oh, what the hell, I'll tell you, the Felton in Jet Black, and I got them Thursday, I think.  Usually in these cases I would keep the box and not open my glasses for months just because I'm lazy, but Warby Parker only gives me so much time to return the glasses in case something is wrong.  So cut open the box, looked at the beautiful case, opened that up to see the black pearl of my new Felton, wondered how in the heck I spent only $90 for it, then put it on.  Things look sharper through these than on my old eyeglasses with the old prescription.  I thought that I should keep my old glasses on when leaving for this house party last night because maybe going to St. Paul at night isn't the best time to make my eyes adjust to a new prescription, but I wanted to impress my ATF, ***e*, with my new glasses, so I popped them on.  And I haven't taken them off since.


New insoles, new eyeglasses ... maybe this means a new me, a better me.  Or, maybe not.  Nevertheless, these are changes that don't make me hyperventilate.  In fact, I'm really OK with them.

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