Saturday, July 4, 2015

Basically, $15 Was Stolen From Me

That was the amount of the cover of the party my ATF, ***e*, was doing.  I haven't seen her in a long time, and she still owes me money.  I thought about not going, especially since another girl, ****a, yanked my dick to completion during a massage in the late afternoon.  But I missed her, and I thought that as long as I could just get a clean dance from her (which would not erase the debt), that would be enough.  Besides, she's a girl where, if I whipped it out, she'd play with it for a little bit and not charge me extra.  That's why ***e* is my ATF.

So I told her that I'd see her at the tail end of her party.  This is at the new place of her friend.  She is the one who, with ***e*, participated in the first double-team I was subjected to.  Since then, however, she has done nothing but rip me off.  When *e** had a party she charged me $25 for a dance that had always been $20 at her parties.  And the cover for her dances have been $15, which is much more than others.  I wouldn't go for that, but I wanted to see ***e*, so I acceded.

I got lost on the way there, so instead of getting there a half-hour before the party was over, I got there about ten minutes before.  The doors were unlocked, so I went in and saw the host and paid her my $15.  There was ***e* dancing for a guy behind this sheet blocking off the living room, so I waited patiently for her.

"Do you wanna dance?" the host asked, of course.  I told her no, I didn't have any money, but ***e* and I "had an agreement" where she would dance in order to cut down on her debt to me.

"Oh," she replied, "she already left."

The fuck?  I told her I was coming around this time.  And like I said, I have no money for a dance, with ***e* or with anybody else.  So why the fuck am I here?  Feeling burned that my ATF screwed me over, I ate really quick and left.  Ten minutes tops.

I was thinking about how badly I got screwed and how I could only blame myself.  I didn't intend on going, and it turns out that was the right idea.  And I don't have much money right now, so I thought of myself as Mr. Moneybags after he got that "pay hotel tax" card after landing on Chance.  But then I thought: Why didn't the host give me my cover back?  It's not as if I stayed that long.  The lady I wanted to get a dance with wasn't there, so that means I get my money back, right?  But then I thought: No.  First of all, that salad and Dr. Pepper I got probably was enough food and drink in her mind that I "got what I paid for" when I paid the cover.  And if I asked for it, she would probably say no, and she might start a fight over it.  Just have to cut my losses with that ripoff bitch and never go to her place again.

Now that I think about it, as much as I should be mad at ***e* for ditching the party and not telling me, I am more mad at the host because she took money from me again.  I don't think I have ever pissed away $15 in a stupider way.

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