Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Car!!!

OK, so I'm sleeping (or at least trying to sleep) in my car at work.  But it's a steamy day and I had a good night's sleep the night before, so it wasn't going to happen.  (Aside: It didn't help matters that it was sunny, and that I was in a rush to get to work, and that the parking spaces at this place are oriented such that the shadows all day are cast away from the parking spots, and that there are very few trees there.  From now on I have to back my car up to a space so that I can lay on the passenger seat in shadow.  Monday I tried doing that with the sun beating down, and on a humid day that's absurd.  Yesterday [Tuesday] I had to recline on the driver's seat, ugh.)

So I'm just spacing out, hoping I could pass out for a couple minutes at least, and then I hear the scuffle of a ball on the ground.  And then I heard it in stereo because this ball apparently hit a thud according to my right ear, and then my left.  Then I hear a couple voices.  So now there are people playing soccer during break in the parking lot.  And I think I recognize the voices, too.  They are in the same room as me.  I don't know them all that well; I think we've spoken in passing a couple times, that's it.  But they seem to be good guys, so I'll just listen to them bat the ball back-and-forth behind my car and maybe I'll get so bored I'll pass out.

My mistake, it turns out, was assuming they could play well.  Because I didn't like that "bump" I heard behind me.  And once I heard it a second time, I knew that I shouldn't've have just let them play around my car because they might suck and they might hit my car, which they did, twice.  Now, I don't really think they damaged my car, and besides, there's still hail damage that needs to be fixed (if I want to fix it).  But all of a sudden my asshole puckered and I thought, "Man, don't fucking hit my car, it's new!"

At this point lunch was over and I got out of my car, partly because it was no use to stay in, partly because I don't think I could fall asleep if all they were doing is hitting my car with their soccer ball, and partly because I just wanted them know I was in there.  I think they may have moved away from my car, but I don't really know.  Regardless, obviously, they shouldn't have even been playing around that close to my car in the first goddamn place.  I didn't want to say anything because they seem to be good dudes and I'm sure they didn't mean to hit my car, even innocuously.  But man, next time, go find an open spot to play, alright?

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