Friday, July 31, 2015

Four Playmates Born On The Same Day?

I think this is a universal thing: Whenever you sign in the first time of a particular day, you will have alerts notifying you of the birthdays of the people you're Facebook friends with so you can tell them Happy Birthday.

Most of my Facebook friends are hot women -- therefore, not real friends.  You know, they're bodybuilders, fitness models, and Playboy Playmates.  I love me some hot babes.  In fact, I wanted to set up a second Facebook account under my nom de blog so I could friend all the hot porn stars I jerk off to there so my real friends wouldn't know I do it in my actual profile.  But then fucking Facebook demanded that I send photographic proof that my name actually is Unforgivable Wetness.  Damn you, Zuckerberg!

I want to go on a rant about me being at a crossroads when it came to deciding to migrate all those hot babes onto my real Facebook and jeopardize my "image" to the people who really know me, but I might have blogged about it already, and I just can't find the blog post.  (Bottom line: I'm a pervert, and I don't give a shit.)  Because it's deviating from what I really wanted to write about, which is nonetheless pithy.  I check my Facebook after midnight and I see that there are four, count 'em, four people in my circle that have birthdays today, July 31.  I have noticed that a few days out of the year there is more than one or two and I go, "Wow, what a coincidence!"  But four?  I think that's a record.

So I'm ready to quickly send "Happy Birthday, (first name)!" to each one.  But when I open it up I see that all four of them are Playmates.  No friends from high school or college, no one from work or people I met along the way.  They weren't even the babes I see on fitness sites.  Every single one of them -- Tylyn John, Victoria Cooke, Kym Malin and Divini Rae -- are from Playboy.  That has to be the most popular PM birthdate, isn't it?  And it's also weird.  There has to be something to that. ...

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