Sunday, July 26, 2015

T-Minus One Week And Counting

I don't know if the party is going to to go off without a hitch.  Three things:

  1. The host finally got back to me.  Good news with her is the party should come under budget.  Bad news is she thinks preparations are going so well that I don't have to come over until the day of.  I don't think that's a good idea.  I have tons of stuff to lug over, plus I kind of need to know the layout of the party.  Where am I going to have the picture, for example?  Or a better example, where is the introductory table?  After the fuck-up that was last year, I am now jumping over every detail.  But that might mean that as much as I am underreacting to the situation last year (or at least underreacting to last year's host's demands) I think I could be going the other way and overreacting this year -- you know, just to compensate.  But what happens if things aren't the way I want them?  It'll be hours before the party starts.  There's no way I'd be able to do anything then.  Does she think everything's cool?
  2. In the meantime she has told me that are two things that she might need.  I, unfortunately, don't have those things.  I'll have to make an all-call to the group.  Trouble is, if they're going to respond the same way they have to my entreaty for volunteers, well then, I'm screwed, because no one is going to respond.  I know of one volunteer.  And I personally do not know anyone from the group that has these two items.  I might no someone else that might, so I might have to ask him.  And if worst comes to worst, obviously we'll make do, but, well, this is another sign that I can't plan a party.
  3. My Vice-President is moving.  He cannot be VP anymore.  That I need to fill his position is an understatement, but something I can't deal with right now.  (Hell, I can't deal with anything right now.)  I could use one trusted person to bounce ideas off of, to show up early to help with things, to help plan.  He can't do that because he has a lot of life changes going on right now.  Problem is, he knew about this date, and he still is tending to his things and not the club's.  I wish he could be around, but it looks like he won't be.  And I wonder if he would at least be doing these things as final duties as VP if the club were run better.  I mean, you should have seen him before.  He was so enthusiastic about the club.  And now ... no.  The change probably has to do with me becoming prez.  I think he would be helping out if I did a better job.
I'm fucked.  One week till the event and I'm fucked.

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