Saturday, January 21, 2017

Am I Woke?

After hearing that the Women's March On Washington could get 1.25 million attendees today, seeing that the Sister March in St. Paul might get 20,000 (which is really good for an area that size -- there goes Minnesota overachieving again!), and learning that the Trump inauguration, even though the dumb motherfucker thought it would be yuge and could be record-breaking, may have gotten a quarter million people (when Obama got 1.8 million eight years ago -- ha!), I have decided to attend the local March.  Now, I won't be marching; I want to head downtown to watch some EPL, and I think I'll get to the Capitol in time for the rally there after the 9 o'clock games are over, which will be perfect.

But I want to take part of something where I know other people are just as scared about the future of this country like I am, and so want to find strength in numbers.  And if there are a lot of people who want to be empowered in a campaign like this, I'll brave the crowds and the potential light-rail wait and the possibility that there might be some violence and (hopefully not) anybody mistaking me for a troll or an anarchist.  Because I think it's time to take a stand for something, even if that means I'm just going to tentatively sneak up to the edge of a mass of people in the middle of a speaker.  It's time I start fighting, dammit, and this is the perfect place to dip my toe in the water.

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