Thursday, January 5, 2017

What Are The Fucking Chances? (Scheduled Post)

So I sleep in my car during lunch.  I do so even in extremely cold days like yesterday (Wednesday), when the air temperature barely noses above 0 and the windchill makes it feel like it's teens below 0.  That's OK, because I have a blanket.  I sleep in the passenger-side front seat with a blanket -- after reclining the seat all the way, of course.  I know people walk by and see me supine with my eye mask on.  I bought and use a windshield screen, partly to block the sun from entering the cabin during the summer, but to block potentially prying eyes from watching me sleep during the winter.  And then, even if they do see me through the side window, I don't care, because I can't see them because I have that mask on.

The problem nowadays is that I no longer can leave my blanket on the passenger seat.  Last year, after dinner and taking the garbage to the bin, My Fucking Father noticed that blanket and yelled at me -- "Do you sleep outside during the day?!?!?!"  So, like a bunch of other things, I have to hide my daysleeping by throwing the blanket in the trunk -- if My Fucking Father continues to bitch about the blanket, I'll tell them it's in case I get stuck outside in the cold when the car doesn't work -- then take out the blanket during lunch.  I have come to throw the blanket back in the back just before I leave work in the evening.  Just to make sure My Fucking Father doesn't know, or at least won't be reminded of something he suspects I continue to do ... and I do.

But, as I don't care at all if someone looks at me sleep, I worry whenever someone sees me get into the passenger side of my car.  Worse, I really feel awkward if I catch anyone seeing me grab this blanket from the trunk.  I don't exhibit normal behavior, I know, yet I remain moderately self-conscious if I spy people seeing me exhibiting said behavior.

That shit happened yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon when, as I walked up to my car, I heard the sound of a car running.  Makes sense; I'm not the only one who retreats to his or her car for lunch, and if you don't care about adding age to your car, I guess you can turn the car on in order to turn the heat on.  (I never do because the car's for driving.  Besides, that's what the blanket's for.)

However, I look around and the car that's on is the one parked right behind me.  And there's this dude, in his driver's seat, just ... chillaxing for lunch, I guess.  And shit, I couldn't get to the trunk to take out my blanket then because the dude will see me.  He may not care, but dammit, I do.  And so, even though I did look weird slipping into the passenger seat because then he could deduce what I was going to do, I skipped the blanket and tried to sleep without it.  And, well, I couldn't.  I don't know if it was because I was too cold.  I did get a good night's sleep, and I didn't feel like I was dragging in the afternoon.  But I think that the lack of a blanket threw off my routine.  As I was lying there on the passenger seat, with my eye mask and hat and gloves on and everything, all I could think of was, "I'm trying to sleep without a blanket, and it's really cold."  That and, "How in the fuck do I go to sleep in my car at 1:30 in the afternoon and have some guy in the car parked right behind me?!"

Oh yeah -- that's why I have lunch so late.  I go to my car when most of the lunchgoers are already back from eating.  Hopefully.  See, not yesterday (Wednesday) with that guy, of course, but that's the idea.

Hope this doesn't happen again today (Thursday).

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