Monday, January 16, 2017

My Fucking Mother Is Going To Be So Enjoyable To Deal With Once She Has Alzheimer's

All I wanted to do was put my clothes in the dryer.  But I heard My Fucking Mother yell for me from inside her bedroom even though I was in the laundry room.

At that point I thought I could ignore her, because I know she would ask me to do something that 1) was stupid and 2) I wouldn't be able to solve.  But, being the dutiful son, I confirmed that I was able to hear her shrill cry from ten yards away by entering the master bedroom.

My God, that was a goddamn mistake.

My Fucking Mother continues to top herself when it comes to requests/demands that are both unimportant and impossible to figure out.  This time around she can't see her goddamn Chinese YouTube videos on her AppleTV.  What the hell does she want me to do about it?

I eventually solved it; My Fucking Father screwed me over by changing the modem (and thus the network and password) Saturday without telling me, plus her AirPlay setting on her AppleTV was shut off for some reason.  But that really isn't the point I am trying to make.  My Fucking Mother has been harping on me, constantly, about our slow wi-fi.  We get it through our phone company, and it's only 3 Megs.  I know it's slow, but I really, really hate going to Comcast because I continue to hear the horror stories about their customer service.  That has been a source of consternation for both my parents.  My Father has tried to fix it by switching from modem to modem, as if that will work.  My Fucking Mother just bitches.

It kind of came to a head last night.  She wanted me to go to to figure out what's wrong.  She could do that herself, but this is where she hides behind the excuse that her English isn't so good, and that's why she called me.  I knew where this lame story was going to end, so I was going to that website with as much negative body language as possible.  I also went to while this video she can't see on AppleTV was still running.

Finally, she just exploded on me.  She took her iPad back and started yelling at me for not shutting off the video because (at least she alleges) that is the reason why was loading so slowly.  To me, she was just screaming at me again for something she knew that I both couldn't fix and thought was ridiculous to be so mad about.  And so I finally told her that she's acting like a child for panicking over this shit, and I don't really care about her "fucking" videos.

OK, I don't remember what I said exactly.  I do know that I used the word "fucking."  Now, My Fucking Mother has this tendency -- I really want to say that it's a tic -- that whenever I say something in English in the heat of an argument, she repeats those words back to me.  And so, she made some inarticulate sentence in English, but she said the word, "Fucking."  It is the first time I have ever heard her say the word, "Fucking."  I know she has used it before; after all, she spent most of her life dealing with truckers.  But she never used towards me, till now.

I will be honest.  A part of me shocked that she would use such language.  (Never mind I said the word first.)  A part of me is hurt, frankly.  But a part of me is thinking that My Fucking Mother said it in a really weird way.  I kind of want to laugh at that, and at her, if only as a defense mechanism.

So it got fixed, for now, and we kind of didn't go away mad.  But I'm still mad, because she's fucking nuts.  If she's going to get this bent out of shape because her AppleTV wasn't working (while I was going online I think she tried calling my brother, like, five times), I don't want to know how insufferable she's going to become if she's stricken with dementia.

Oh, and I had a plan of going to Comcast this year, because I'm giving up.  I am supposed to be under this discount my phone company has given me the past five years, and I might get out of that once that is over.  But after this blowup, who knows, maybe I'll stay!

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