Wednesday, October 24, 2018

One My Greatest Fears Realized

I'm glad I waiting until now to blog for the day.

One of my greatest fears is either pulling into or pulling out of work and having a road incident with a co-worker.  It happened just now.

So our campus has an outlet that is part of a four-way intersection with stoplights.  Looking at the width of this outlet, there seems to be, uh, three lanes for drivers to drive through at the same time.  Unfortunately, they are not marked.

Therefore, it is up to me to figure out which lane to use, usually when I'm at a stop.  I usually take a left, and therefore I take up the middle lane; I figure that the flow of traffic is going out, so I get to take the middle lane.  This time, however, I'm going south, and therefore I have to go straight.  Nevertheless, I decide to use the middle lane again because there are a lot of cars that I have noticed that want to take a right.  If I'm going straight and I use the right lane, they can't take a right if the coast is clear.  I think that's logical.

There was another car that drove up behind me.  I'll be honest; I'm kind of out of it right now because I didn't turn the heat on (still worried about leaks) and the cold has given me a lot of phlegm.  Anyway, I forgot about the car behind me.  And when we got the green, both of us went straight.  Shit.

I had to relent.  And as I slowed I looked inside the cabin of the SUV next to me.  Yep, I work with her.

Look, I don't know who's right.  (I should bring this up to my bosses, this is an important matter.)  But it's going to be so awkward to see her at work tomorrow morning.  Well, awkward at least for me.  But I think I'm right, right?  And if so, that means ... she's a bad driver, no?

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