Saturday, October 20, 2018

She's Judging Me

I knew when I did it, when I made the decision to flag it, knowing that that might not be the thing to do, there was a possibility that I would get caught and, if I was wrong, that I would be called out for it.

(I'm being vague here on purpose, BTW.)

But it just so happens that I was walking past the woman I'm not sure about, my supervisor, and my boss when the woman I'm not sure about asked the other two over to look at something she thought was weird.  I too was curious and looked at her computer screen ... and it was that image that I wasn't sure to flag.  Yeah, I got caught.

I explained myself to my two higher-ups.  My supervisor explained that no, that should not have been flagged because the issue I thought I was raising by flagging it will be detected through other means, so I should not do that.  Good; now I know.  And then we started talking about how he didn't know I was the one who flagged it because of my name, but whatever, I'm still trying to be vague about this.

Anyway, after all this was done, I apologized to the women who I'm not sure about for doing this and holding her up.  She said she was cool, and during my tangent conversation with my supervisor the four of us all started laughing.  But I have to ask this question: Why would she go out of her way to, essentially, raise a flag about my raising a flag?  Isn't that a big deal?  And if so, well, what does she think about me now?

I still think she's judging me.

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