Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Hand/Wrist/Forearm/Elbow/Arm

For the past few weeks I have felt tremendous pain in my arm.  It's mostly in the elbow, but I have pain whenever I have moved the parts of my arm, and not just at work.

I knew this pain (or at least this new pain) started when I had an intense period at work where I had to go through and check and manually correct the information for all these health insurance packages, especially the wrist and the elbow.  But, even though that intense period ended a few weeks ago, it seemed to flare up away from work.  I think I remember that I stooped down to pick up something from my bedroom floor and felt this "ouch!" pain when I grasped it.  And all parts of my arm now hurt whatever I do -- writing, using the remote control, even walking.

It's gotten to be pretty serious, but yet, in the past couple days (after I wanted to talk about this, but I never got around to it) it's gotten markedly better.  Some pain, but not the throbbing pain it was at its worst.  Don't know what happened besides some solid rest I had this morning.  So, well, there it is.

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