Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Woman Needs To Be Fired. Now.

I don't know if a single person besides me has looked at this blog. To up the ante, I will blog about someone who should be fired. Maybe that'll get some attention.

Her name is Leah, and she works at the Cub Foods in Fridley just north of 694 on University Ave. She's short, has brown hair highlights, wears glasses and has this obnoxiious jutjaw. Leah is lazy, incompetent, and has no customer service skills whatsoever. She's always smackin' her gum as she's either a) checking out my groceries without a hi or a thank you or even without making eye contact; b) not being helpful when you're asking her a question; or c) talking with her co-workers when someone -- either a customer or another co-worker -- needs her to do something. We're talking about a grocery story here, but I'm still surprised that she seems to have fallen up, for these days she's wearing an earpiece, like she's a damn supervisor.

I've had my annoying run-ins with her, but the final straw was yesterday. I was checking out and saw a woman waiting impatiently. The checkout woman was waiting on someone. A minute later, Leah saunters up like nothing's wrong. The woman was waiting for formula, and it looked like she was waiting for a long time, or at least longer than they should. And it looked like Leah made her wait, with her walking slowly to the formula shelf and smackin' her gum like her shit don't stink. I definitely believe she was talking to somebody or picking her ass before she did her job and helped a customer.

I hope that woman gave her the riot act, because Leah deserves it. Her co-workers can't like her, and regular customers have to be pissed off that she's still working there. Why the fuck hasn't she been fired yet? I wonder if I should start yelling at her or throw shit in her face the next time I need to talk to her about something. Because I don't think I nor anybody else can get her fired.

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