Saturday, June 29, 2013

Giving Money To A Hot Girl ... For Charity, You Pervs!!! And There's A Twist At The End Of This Blog!!!

Two Saturdays ago I was driving from Burger King to working out at the community center.  On my way to BK from home I saw a bunch of kids holding up signs from the sidewalk for a charity car wash.

I remember seeing them a few times and participating only once, and that was for a bikini car wash.  These were high schoolers by the way, although there were some guys as well as girls.  Obviously I gave $5 to see underage girls in swimsuits wash my car -- well, "wash" it; an older, more level-headed guy (with his son, I think) was hanging back and looking at the young girls and boys and noticed that while they were soaping up my car, they weren't too fast in rinsing it off, so he kind of admonished them to wash my car down quickly.  Maybe I should have been a little more on the ball, but I was so enthralled by the entire tableau -- the scantily-clad girls there to whom, if they and I were the only ones, I would have whipped it out so quickly; that, unfortunately, there were guys in board shorts helping out the girls with the big stuff, like carrying buckets of water and soaping up the tops of the cars; and that these high schoolers were being helped by their parents, who were also participating (though, unlike their children, they, thank Buddha, were not in their swimsuits)  Seriously though, there were parents there endorsing this whoring.  This was a crime-to-be, but there were parents there.

But I digress ... no swimsuits here, however the girl-to-boy ratio was much better and the chicks, as underage as they are, were still cute.  The babes did manage to wear those Daisy Duke white jean shorts, which apparently is the fad nowadays.  For that reason I was tempted to donate money.

As I was turning I got a closer look at the sign one of the girls was holding.  The charity was for Sudan or Africa.  OK.  I feel bad, but once I saw that, I kind of decided not to give money.  I don't know why, I'm just an asshole.  That did not stop one of the girls to come up to the passenger side of my car, whose window I partially rolled down, to ask for money.  I said no and drove off once the cross-traffic was free.

But then I relented.  You know, it's for a good cause, and they were pretty.  Plus I felt bad that I lied.  Yeah, I had a buck I could give, so I made a U-turn at the next light so I could swing around and give the group loitering around the sidewalks and crosswalks, and hopefully that girl I dissed, a dollar.

And so I did and I was able to get the exact same young woman.  "Sorry, I actually did have a dollar."  And once I threw it in her plastic bucket, she goes, "God bless you."

Not to say I regret giving her a dollar, but I did not expect that.  And now I feel bad about lusting for her.  Then again, what is a God-fearing girl doing wearing short shorts like that?

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