Friday, June 28, 2013

MRI Guy Is Bullshitting

So after work today I decided to eschew watching the NBA Draft (considered one of the weakest of all-time, if not the weakest, and that may be why it turned into the most surprising in a long time, if not ever) to help out with the guy I work with at the U.'s MRI lab the most.  Haven't seen him in a while, but it's kind of a good thing.  He still doesn't understand American nuance, so I did not miss him not knowing what I mean when I ask for something.  Plus he's kind of a flibbertigibbet, and that kind of got annoying when he would keep in the tube for, say, an extra half-hour into what would turn out to be a five-hour session.

Tonight there were two changes.  This guy usually concentrates on special scans below the head, so I would usually have this plate on my hips so he can scan my kidneys or prostate.  This time it was a simply brain scan.  Also, this lasted only 4 hours and 45 minutes, with a 10-minute break inbetween, which to him is akin to a smoke break.

But I got bored in the middle of it, shortly after I woke up shortly after I was put into the MRI.  Normally the researcher expects me to listen to the radio while I'm being scanned, and normally I refuse.  But this time I wanted to hear any draft picks or news about the Timberwolves' draft picks and the draft itself.  So I ask him to turn on the radio.  But fuckin' A, he refused!  I couldn't understand him through his goddamn thick Chinese accent, but something about "reactions" that might affect the scans he wants.  OK, I have never heard any researcher demand radio silence because of how my blood might screw up the scans, and he has never complained about it, either.  But now it's a problem?  Whatever.

What I am going to do about it?  Nothing, because this is an easy way to make money and he apparently likes me (as a subject).  Plus he was kind of nice to me tonight, so I exchanged pleasantries with him.  Again, whatever.

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