Sunday, August 18, 2013

And Now My Laptop's Gone To Shit

I've had to do the thing where I take out the battery and then push the power button down for a minute, then put the battery back and turn it on, and it has worked out fine.  But after using it at Barnes & Noble this afternoon, I tried to turn it on again just now and I got The Black Screen Of Death, even though I did the power drain thing already.  Tried it again because, hey, it gets that way from time to time, but the fuckin' BSOD came back on once again.  Tried it one more time and I got my watch to time 60 seconds, but still, same thing.  I'll try again later tonight, but I think it's a goner.

At least I have my tablet to go through my e-mail and facebook; I haven't used it to communicate, but I sure will now.  And I can still use my parents' computer for secure stuff, like paying bills.  What I don't know how to deal with is writing.  Not blogging, I'll be fine there, but writing my articles and stuff.  It's all on there, and while both my folks' desktop and my tablet have word processing programs, I am very hesitant to use them.

Great, I guess I'll have to spend $100 on getting my fucking computer fixed.

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