Monday, January 20, 2014

Powerball Website Sucks

So in my study (what used to be my bedroom until Father moved me out) I found these two Powerball tickets I bought in August, presumably when the jackpot was massive, don't remember.  Nor do I remember checking whether or not these were winners, but I assume that since I didn't circle any correct numbers or write down how much I won on either ticket, I did check them and they were both losers.

Just to make sure, I went to the Powerball website to see -- and I remembered how lo-tech and even cumbersome getting this piece of information is.  In fact, I dare say that it's the worst website active today for something people might sue on a regular (in this case twice a week because they draw numbers Wednesdays and Saturdays) basis.

Go to the website.  The first thing you see is the chintziness.  Does it need advanced HTML when all it does is give numbers and the occasional information about the winner?  No.  Neither should it need to give you a pop-up to Lower My Bills when you want to click through to find the winning numbers from five months ago.

And that's the worst part about this site.  If you want to look at the winning numbers from four drawings ago or further, not only do you have to click on "Powerball Numbers" on the left-hand site of the splash page, but you then have to click on "Old Numbers," and then you have to fill out a field to spit out a range of winning numbers.  You mean to tell me you can't just list out the winning numbers for the past year?  It's pretty easy to do.  And don't go overboard and think you might as well list the numbers for every drawing that's ever happened (which, to Powerball's credit, they have, I think -- they list numbers all the way back to November 1, 1997, presumably the first-ever drawing); all winning tickets are invalidated and ineligible to be cashed in after a period of (depending on the state) 90 days to a full year.  So if the Multi-State Lottery Association (the organization behind Powerball) gets its panties all up its crack about making it easier to get to past winning numbers, just tell them one click to a list of numbers going back a year will be fine.

Don't know why this bothers me so much.  But I'm just trying to look up numbers, and I don't think I need to do three things and see a pop-up in order to do that.


  1. Yes I agree for 110%. It SUCKS!!!
    I wanted to know if I hit 2 or 3 numbers since the jackpot grew. And it doesn't tell you how much you possibly won on the lower prizes.

    And the website looks like infant MONKEY built.

  2. Powerball is RIGGED!!! They choose where and how often the jackpot occurs. They use heavier balls of their choosing, and magnetize them to stick closer together.

    When you click on the drawing video it's BROKEN!
    And Washington is not paying attention on this either. Guess what? They are buddies in all this.
