Monday, June 15, 2015

Shambolic Monday

I should be OK with not having work.  Well, I would much prefer to work.  But another side benefit is that I had a routine down.  With the test project for all intents and purposes over, that routine is over.  And I find it extremely difficult to ... manage life when my day is disrupted.

Take this morning for example.  I decided that I was going to take it easy on myself and wake up a little later than I usually do.  That might prick the antennae of my parents, and they might wonder why I'm up so late, but I think they will believe me when I say my work hours continue to be "flexible."  Nevertheless my body is on the old schedule, and I woke up a bit after 6.  But I still wanted to go until I set up my alarm at 7:30, so I took my nasal spray and tried to fall back asleep.  But then I remembered there were some things I should have done Sunday on e-mail that I did not do -- namely talk to this academic counselor and this contact for this job I'm looking at -- and that disturbed me so much that I had to get up before I really wanted to.  I'm tired, but at least I finally got those things done.

It was getting really late so I had to get out the door.  But as I was driving away, I forgot to take my phone.  Obviously I need that but I have two things I had to do: I had to call AAA to get my old car to the shop which said they could fix the head gasket on it for $1,000, and I am waiting on a text with this stripper for some potential sexytime today.  It's never good to not have your phone, but today moreso than ever.

The plan was to work out, something I haven't done in a long time, in the morning, get lunch, get my wee-wee touched, then find a place to watch the Women's World Cup game(s) this afternoon, either at a soccer pub or a bar.  But things aren't quite working out that way, at least I don't think.  First of all, I checked on the pub I would have gone to and it looks like they are not opening their doors until the evening.  And then, I have yet to hear from this stripper about the HJ.  We kind of got our wires crossed about the location of this encounter; I thought we could do it at her hotel, and she said she couldn't because her kids are there.  Huh.  I'll follow up with her as I blog this.

As I was doing the very first thing I needed to do -- gas up my car so it has enough until Tuesday, when I can use my coupon for maximum impact -- I really started to doubt my plans.  I thought I had time to go to storage, pull out a bag and maybe go through them this afternoon.  I could do that and then work out in the afternoon, where I can watch the games at the gym because the pub is not open.  Then I remembered that I forgot my headphones for my smartphone, so I wouldn't be able to go through with my plan of listening to The Stephanie Miller Show in the morning while working out, which would make working out in the afternoon more of a no-brainer.  And then I remembered that SiriusXM's app on my phone is fucking up, so I wouldn't be able to listen to her even if I had headphones.  So I just went to pick up my bag of crap and am blogging this from the library, all fat and untrained.

Not what I thought I would be doing.  Maybe things aren't in a shambles, but I have no plans that have come together.  Things are still up in the air, and in a sense that's worse because I still don't know what I could, or should, be doing.  Well, I just have to come home in one piece before it's too late, I guess.

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