Friday, August 21, 2015


So despite a lot of guilt and procrastination I posted on our alumni club's Facebook page asking for help regarding getting our group together to watch our alma mater's football games.  I was hoping someone would step up and open up their house for us to watch.  But what have I gotten in the two days since I put up that plea for help?  The titular nothing.

I don't know what to do.  And this lack of participation/refusal to participate extends to other events as well.  I'll blog about the party a few weeks ago soon, but I put out an all-call for volunteers, and only one person did.  We would be nowhere without his help, but I could have used another pair of helping hands.  And I asked for help, a lot of it.  What did I get?  Crickets.

Yes, I am pitying myself.  But there are very important events that are coming up in the fall, and if people don't want to help out, and if people don't even want to fucking show up, what the fuck am I doing this for?  When I woke up (very early) this morning my unrequited calls for assistance made me think what would really happen if I just shut the club down, either through making an announcement or just neglect.  Like, if I just stopped posting stuff and stopped going to the bar where we usually watch games and if I just didn't answer anybody who did somehow reply (I think it's called "ghosting"), what would happen?  There might be some consternation, but eventually it would die down, and no one would care about the chapter or the money the club still has, nothing.

That's what I'm facing now.  There are games coming up and we have no place to watch them, and no one seems to give enough of a damn to step up and volunteer.  So I ask into the ether again: What the fuck am I doing this for?

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