Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bringing A Car From Storage Absolutely Fucking Sucks

I was hoping that since it was in the fifties today, all the ice would've melted or the ice that was still there could have been chipped away.  Not true.  Because I stashed the car on the north side of the house, where it's shrouded in shade after high noon, there was a moat of ice surrounding the tarp, keeping it imprisoned.

I opened up the fence doors so the dying sunlight could hit some of the snow, but I was resigned to having Mother bring me to work tomorrow.  That'll mean a host of stupid fucking questions I don't want to answer.  I felt sorry for myself so I went out to Subway and run around the mall for a little bit -- you know, shit I would rather do than invite a host of new variables because my new car was in hibernation for the whole winter.

When I came back home after an hour Mother, Buddha bless her, was chipping away at the ice, and doing so better than I did ... or maybe the sun was doing a lot of work hitting the ice.  She actually succeeded in getting the tarp torn off of the frozen ground so we could uncover the car.

So, maybe I'll be able to use the new car after all.  One problem: When I went in to start it, all I got was a series of fast clicks.  Fucking Christ.  So Mother had to teach me how to use the battery charger.  My parents are thinking that it's just a discharged battery and all it needs is a jump.  But I just looked online; fast clicking indicates bad wires, a bad alternator or a bad solenoid.  And besides, what is the difference between a discharged battery and a dead one?  Could the battery be dead?  Could I have two dead batteries?  And even if it's discharged, doesn't that mean I should change the battery anyway?

And why didn't My Fucking Father disconnect the battery?  Goddammit, why did I even have to store the new car at all anyway?  Who cares if it's getting beaten up by the snow -- at least I would know it runs, which it isn't right now.  I have had to deal with a bunch of bullshit that I shouldn't have had to go through, just because My Fucking Father thought it wasn't necessary to use the new car.  I mean, what the fuck?

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