Monday, March 14, 2016

I Might Have To Change Gas Stations Now

Oh yeah ... have to talk about what I said in a moment of frustration last week when I was getting gas.  It was a long day and I needed to get gas at the gas station because it was Double Discount Tuesdays.  I pay inside because I have a coupon that they need to discount me for.

So I go in and see two lines.  The line farther from me has people, but the one nearer me does not.  However, there is a "use other line" sign on the counter.  However-however, there is a cashier there.  I sensed some dissonance there, so I waited to see if maybe the matter about whether or not this girl is actually serving people would work itself out.

She was talking to another person there.  I recognized her as another worker, but she seemed to be off the clock with the way they were chit-chatting with each other.  That would be fine if she weren't holding up the line ... if there was a line.  Finally, she came over and slammed down some items on the counter.  That's when my patience finally ran out; I lined up behind the off-work worker and asked if she was open, to which she said, with a flippant tone, "Yes."

Good -- I finally know where to line up, and it looked as though I picked the right one because it seemed liked there were so many people lined up on the other line.  But then this stupid off-work bitch begins to pull out coins to pay for all of her shit.  And they start yakking it up while she was at it, too!  It took so long, in fact, that the other guy on the other end of the line got finished and turned to me and said, "I can help you over here!"

I sped out like The Roadrunner in order to get to him before other people did.  And they were converging; this one scary-looking dude beat me to the counter, but he let me through first.  Thank God he wasn't a dick, otherwise who knows what could have happened in my frustrated state.

However, I was still frustrated enough to sigh and, while I was going from this near line to the far line, in a voice that was audible, say, "Slow!"  Oh, I know they heard it.  And at the time at least, I wanted them to hear it.

Unfortunately, that blurted-out comment may have put me on the wrong foot.  First of all, I'm afraid that even with all of her goddamn coins, that line finished before mine.  Therefore, I picked the wrong line twice, essentially.  And worst of all, if either of those two lazy bitches is working next Tuesday, they might fuck me over when I get gas over there.  I already have an issue with the General Manager, and now I think I'll have problems with two of his stupid underlings.  All this because that girl didn't have the decency to let me know if she was or was not open!

It's gotten so bad that I need to find another gas station.  There is another one close by and another one not too far away.  However, I don't know if I can pay inside at either of those places after I fill my car's tank.  Moreover, one of those gas stations actually closes at night, so I can't just sneak in there at, say, 11 p.m. and pay even if that place does allow me to fill up old-school.  Should drop by and ask them.

If either of those places aren't the right fit, then I'm stuck with this place and a couple of employees I pissed off by accusing them of being slow.  And then I'm fucked.

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