Tuesday, July 19, 2016


So, I'm doing a photo shoot or something this afternoon.  Was on standby for a few days.  Made me nervous because I had scheduled a session in the MRI tube, and at some point, if I didn't hear back, I would have had to make a choice.  But thankfully these guys from the shoot said to come on in.  They usually tell me the day of, or even the afternoon of, and I hate that.

With things like this, they usually ask that I wear my first choice of dress and two other sets of clothes just in case, so I'll have to figure out how to sneak my bag of clothes one of these days.  My hair isn't the greatest -- it's a little longer than my head shot -- and it's sticking up, so it doesn't look that good.  Hopefully it'll work.

Haven't done something like this in about a year, the last time I wasn't working.  Nervous but excited.  I just hope that I can wear a long-sleeved Oxford and long pants in this hot and humid weather without sweating profusely or passing out.  Wish me luck!

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