Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I Should Look At License Plates More

So on my way to work yesterday I decided to take it slow and drive slowly behind some car in the right lane because I was about to take the exit.  As happens way too often, some car was zipping down the entrance ramp to my right, and if I didn't slow down, that car would hit me.  So like I was taught to do, I slowed down even further to let that car in.

And then he (I'm assuming the driver is male, and I think there's a 98% chance I'm right) turned on his right blinker.  He was going off the same ramp I was.  Well, I just let you in front of me -- the least you could do is drive somewhere I'm not going!  But this asshole didn't.

And then he had the balls to start accelerating.  I can accelerate, too!  And I was late for work!  So I decided I was going to try and pass him by getting on the left lane and zooming past the slow (slow being driving under 65) cars.  But this motherfucker (he was driving an SUV, I think it was an Audi) hit the gas and never let up.  My exit was coming up and I was going to have to fight through traffic, so I gave up.

It was around that time that I thought a thought I have had a lot when this red mist descends on me as I am driving: Why in the hell did I not look at the license plate of that motherfucking asshole?  I could remember it (even though I'm bad at remembering things), write it down, and then ... well, I would have it, that's the important thing.  I have rationalized not ever getting the plates of these cars that have "disrespected" me by saying that I had to keep my eyes on the road.  If I'm intent on looking at the characters on the license plate, how soon could I react if that prick car suddenly puts on the brakes, or if another car wants to slide inbetween me and that car?

Look, this car did ... little wrong.  I admit that.  I still think that I should be getting license plate numbers more often whenever a car does something wrong to me.  I've thought for some time about getting an on-car camera, but it's expensive, I don't know how much elbow grease I would have to expend in order to set it up, and I'm afraid it'll get stolen ... or it'll make me a target for road ragers.

Still, I should look at license plates more often.

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