Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I'm So Nervous ... Mother's Getting Her Shot Today!

I want to loop back to a beginning of this story, because it's important that I tell you how My Fucking Mother hung me out to dry.  But that doesn't matter now, because she's supposed to get the first of her two vaccinations today.

The way she described it, she scrambled to find an appointment as soon as she saw that there were shots available.  Therefore, she has to drive to downtown Minneapolis.  I don't like that.  She (well, I think Father's tagging along with him in the very slight chance he can get a shot too, so they) will have to go to an unfamiliar but busy area in a relatively busy time of day.  They will have to find parking, which will be difficult if you're unfamiliar with the area and, if you are not familiar, it'll be expensive.  Finally, and I don't want to raise this with them too much because I don't want to get into a fight, but I'm scared that they're going to get jumped by some dudes.  Anti-Asian sentiment is running high thanks to Trump that dirty, bigoted motherfucker Pompeo, and there always are crazy people downtown.  I'm ... concerned.

Oh yeah -- I took a dirt nap this evening, and when I finally woke up I realized that Mother might be missing something.  She is supposed to come in and show the pharmacist the e-mail confirmation, proof of identification, and an insurance card (I don't think she's supposed to pay for the shot ... right?).  She also is supposed to have a form filled out, which I didn't realize until tonight, so I don't know if even she knows.  Now, they say that if the form isn't filled out, there will be ones at the pharmacy.  But shit, you never know if it somehow runs out of them.  Then what?

The only saving grace is that I am taking a half-day off today.  It was supposed to be tomorrow, but the ice storm (or storms) that are hitting the South is affecting shipments of the forms we take care of every day, and I am banking that there will be such little work today that people will get cut early.  Anyway, while I would love to have the afternoon free all to myself, if (Buddha forbid) something happens, I'll be able to see them after work.

Let's hope everything goes without incident.  And then -- well, Mother will have to trek downtown again in a few weeks for her second shot.  And then I can worry about everything all over again.  Dammit.

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