Saturday, February 6, 2021

To Beg At A Door At Work

You know, I gotta admit that I'm still not over that woman yanking the sign-in book from me.  In fact, I think you can rightly say that I'm triggered.  That hasn't happened since my brother was an asshole to me in Hong Kong for Grandmother's cremation.  (I don't know if I spoken about this incident specifically, but he ripped something out of my hands while in HK, because he's a dick.)

There was a meeting on Tuesday to address a situation that led to this incident.  It appears that one factor of this person's frustration was the rolling series of people from our department that was sent en masse into the laboratory.  We all got an e-mail to stop doing data entry and go into the lab to enter forms in there into our database.  However, we didn't go in all at once; some of us needed to get lab coats, and some of us (well, OK, me) were lollygagging because we wanted to use the bathroom before we headed in because the lab doesn't have a restroom.  So what happened was people in the lab continually had to get up from their workstations, head to the door and use their key codes to let people in.  So we were told to, like, bunch up from now on.  Or something.

But there is an obvious solution: Allow access so that we could use our key codes to get into the lab.  I don't know why in the hell we can't go in there ourselves, especially since we go in there on a regular basis.  The only theory I have is that we mainly, if not first, start our day out where we are, and so we cannot just be given access to a second area of the building, especially if that second area needs to be secure because it contains the samples of piss and blood that cannot be tampered with.  But that brings us to our current stupid situation, where every time I need to get in there, I need to knock on the door, loudly, and wait for someone on the inside to let me in.  And once I am done working in there, I usually loiter around the door, hoping someone sees me moping like a stray dog in the rain and allows me to leave.  Sometimes, after waiting around for a few minutes for help that doesn't come, I have resorted to shouting for someone to get me out of there.

This pathetic cycle embarrasses me.  Imagine being at the mercy of someone's key code in order to do your job.  It's infantile; I am being treated like a child when I have a job to do.  And now I got someone pissed at me because she didn't want to sign me when I needed to be signed in?  This is ridiculous.  And I can't fucking take this anymore.

I'm supposed to have my annual review with my boss soon, and even though I have talked about this with him in the past, I have to raise my frustration with this again.  I want access into the lab.  I want to not need somebody's help to go to an area of the building I am told to go into.  I will assume more responsibilities in the lab if that gives me clearance.  I, for right now, however, will not take a different job in order to do so.  But dammit, I'm thinking about it.  Because what's happening now is bullshit.

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