Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Addendum To: thudthudthudthud

So I woke up when this car shop opened this morning, around 7.  Brought it in hoping they'd find something and fix it before the day was over, but really, they had till Friday before I needed it back.

Instead, they called me just after I took a shower after working out in the morning, around 9:30.  They found the reason my car was making those thumping sounds: The lug nuts on my passenger's-side front wheel were either loose or missing.

Honestly, I thought it was a mistake, that these guys are starting a pattern of not doing their due diligence and really figuring out what is wrong with the car.  An hour later I got off the bus and went in to pick up my car, prepared to pull it right back into the shop once I heard the thudding.  But I didn't, and I haven't.  In fact, it runs like a dream.

So, lug nuts?  Really, just lug nuts?  I was prepared to get a new bearing, or C/V joint, or rotors, or shocks.  How could something way out on that part of the car make noises right underneath.  And furthermore, how in the hell did I not see lug nuts were missing on one of my wheels?  Yeah, this seemed to have happened out of the blue Friday morning, but I thought I had paced around my car at least several times between then and now, and I didn't notice a damn thing.

But finally ... who in the hell wants to steal lug nuts?  There's nothing special about mine.  And if the mechanic is right about only two being missing, what stopped a person who, supposedly, vandalized my car from just taking all four of my lug nuts?  He only wanted two, and wanted to loosen the other two to just mess with me?

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