Saturday, December 31, 2022

So, To Reflect On 2022 ...

... well, I think it's a year of maintaining.  To be quite honest, there was one and only one thing to look forward to, and I just did it: The family vacation to Hawai'i to celebrate my sister graduating with her Ph. D.  My sister told me of her graduation and the vacation surrounding it ... I want to say October 2021.  Once she told me, I knew it was, barring any family emergencies, The Most Important Thing To Do In 2022.  And there wasn't anything that cropped up the rest of the year that mattered as much as my seeing my sister walk, and seeing my family honor her for it by being together for two weeks (and getting sick).

Yeah, not much else happened.  Still have my job.  And while I inveighed over its unfairness at some point this year, I don't think I'll be fired from it.  That's because there are increasing grumblings from people at the place who have decided to quit.  Add that the company apparently is having trouble finding people to replace them, we are a bare bones unit right now.  I feel OK at my current position, and if other folks continue to leave, that in theory means I become more indispensable.  But maybe soon I want to leave for greener/more lucrative pastures?

I still have all my members of my immediate family.  My uncle was in the hospital while I was gone, which was part of the reason why he didn't go into the house while I was on vacation.  But he's back, thank goodness.  During my trip, my brother-in-law told me he's observed Father slowing down a bit.  I see that, but he's still mobile and still thinking.  He might be thinking about me not eating so much (and then offering me cake), but at least he still has a mind to mind.  And I swear I have seen him without his shirt as many times over the vacation as I had ever in my life.  I've seen a few pictures of him on the beach shirtless, too.  Guess he's living his best life.

Trying to fuck around with my stripper girlfriends is when I feel my age the most.  Can't get it up like I used to.  Harder to get hard, let alone cum.  Maybe if I attend more parties I can get back into the, uh, "rhythm" of things.  But I see women one-on-one from time to time and it appears as though I am not the tumescent beast I once was.  Makes me sad that that is one way I am getting older.  (That being said, there might be changes on that front.  Not old age-wise, but when it comes to money.  I will talk about that in my next blog post.)

And maybe I should look into eating better.  I made spaghetti -- well, large elbow macaroni with sauce -- today.  I thought I was going to sleep the sauce up into two servings, one to eat today and one tomorrow.  But I saw the small box of large elbow macaroni, saw that it was eight servings, thought, "That ain't enough!" and poured half of the box into the boiling water.  I scooped it all out once done onto the sauce ... then realized I was going to use all the sauce.  And then I had to serve myself seconds because the bowl I was eating out of wasn't big enough, and then I had to take my time eating that second bowl.  (Did the same thing when eating out last/Friday night, too.)  I think I'll be OK; it was my first big meal of the day, and I woke up at 1 (nine hours of pure, blissful sleep -- and I'm still coughing).  But I am lugging around some stuff, oof.

So despite all my frustrations and anxieties, I have to say 2022 has been good.  We're getting out of the pandemic, and most of all, nothing bad happened.  Unfortunately, that makes me think the other shoe is going to drop next year.

But let's forget that for now.  Happy New Year!

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