Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Not Starting Off This "Work Faster" Plan On The Right Foot, And I Don't Give A Fuck

I am always prepared for the worst at the start of the workweek, but yesterday/Monday was, I swear, the most work I had in The Fourth Department.  It's a Monday, so it's going to be busy with stuff over the weekend (and I keep telling my boss that of the five days of the workweek, I most likely will be staying late the longest and the most often on Mondays).  But yesterday, for some damn reason, the forms and the crap just kept coming, and coming, and coming.  So did the weird stuff, the "Oh, this isn't ours!" or "Hey, I needed to call you because I don't understand. ..."

What happened was something that is, if I am right, unprecedented: I left after ten hours at work with stuff I still needed to do.  This isn't like my first weeks back there figuring stuff out.  I know what to do now, but I didn't have time to do it ... well, maybe more like I didn't want to stay there for half the day.  At any rate, I left stuff there that I will have to pick up this/Tuesday morning.  No easing into the day for me, no sir.

And considering that this week I am supposed to start working faster so as not to rack up overtime, going my self-determined maximum of ten hours the first day probably won't look good in my boss's eyes.  And you know what?  I guess I don't give a fuck anymore.  I busted my ass back there yesterday.  I tried keeping up, but the lab kept giving me stuff, and there were answers that weren't straightforward, and I had to deal with all of that shit, because that is what I am supposed to do.  Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I really don't want to be back there more than I have to each day, but I want to do a good job.  I want to do my work correctly and completely, and then I'll worry about speed.  I think that's the right way to go, and the worst case scenario of what usually happens when I do things the right way happened yesterday.  It is what it is.  You want me to do a shitty job instead?

And I have been trying to tiptoe around this particular issue, but maybe I need to be a bit more direct.  I cannot even frickin' fathom how the two other people who work in that position can face the workload I got yesterday, or any typical Monday, or a typical day period, and get through it all in eight hours.  I don't believe it -- unless they're cutting corners or not paying attention to detail or doing things I was taught not to look past.  I am trying back there.  Goddammit, I am trying back there.  But if my boss has determined that those two can do the job in eight hours that I "have trouble" doing in ten ... well, shit, maybe he needs to find someone else to do the job.

The only upside to all my frustration yesterday is that neither my boss nor my supervisor were at work.  I don't know if I could work through everything I worked through and also dealt with their prying eyes and their judgement.  But both of them certainly will be at work today/Tuesday, and my boss will fucking look at my timecard and see ten full hours and figuratively throw up his hands.  And when he or my supe starts implementing this stupid fucking "plan" while I probably am playing catch-up with the bullshit I had to leave yesterday, I will literally throw up my hands -- and maybe throw some other things, too.  I know what he's going to say, and I know what he's about to do this week, and I cannot take how he wants me to now work back there as anything less than an attack on my character.  I haven't done one goddamn thing wrong, but he thinks I have, and I resent that, I truly do.

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